study for test
Preparation Courses for A-Level, B-Level Certificates
A, B National Certificate in English
Currently, Vietnam has many exams to get certificate in English for those in need. However, depending on demand, students can choose the appropriate certificate. And A-B-C certificate is one of the most important certificates based on the criteria of the Ministry of Education and Training to access English proficiency of English learners in Vietnam.
To support students, pupils, staff and state employees achieve results prescribed and ask, Foreign Language Center of District 1 regularly organizes A-B-C certification exam courses and has received the care and trust of many learners from universities, colleges and businesses…
Why choose the A-B-C Certification Exam Course at Foreign Language Center of District 1?
- Students are trained and guided procedures, methods to do all the 4 skills during 3 sessions per week;
- Combination between grammar system and test solutions will help students master comprehensively knowledge, question types and strategies in taking exam to get a high score;
- Enthusiastic teacher staff with many experienced years in organizing prepairation classes will help students keep track of requirements to pass the exam easily;
- The materials were carefully selected, clearly and logically designed to help students understand and grasp lessons quickly. After each lesson, students can practice immediately, interact with classmates and enhance the use of 4 skills on exam.
- Friendly environment, fully supportive devices will help students to feel excited, easy to acquire all the knowledge and effectively practise;
- Appropriate tuition, there is support for pupils, students.
Please contact us for any further information: Foreign Language Center of Distric 1
112 Nguyễn Đình Chiểu Street, Đa Kao Ward, Distrct 1
Phone: (08) 38243864 – Hotline: 0919.277.201 (Ms.Hài)
English Pronunciation Course
English Pronunciation Course
General Introduction
The pronunciation practice is very essential because correct pronunciation will help you feel more confident in communicating. It is also the foundation for you to develop other skills such as Listening and Speaking. THE CORRECT PRONUNCIATION IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS IN ENGLISH COMMUNICATION.
The Pronunciation Course provides students with basic knowledge about the syllables system in English and helps students adjust, improve English pronunciation. In addition, it also helps students improve accent, English voice to enhance understanding from the listener.
Course’s Content
- Guide students to pronounce correctly single syllabus;
- Proviode students with knowledge about stress and how to connect sounds in sentence to speak naturally;
- Guide students to learn how to use language of the native, thereby they will grasp principles in communicating and complete Listening, Speaking skills;
- During the course, students will have chance to practise and get correction at the class. Each student will get care and specific instructions to make progress in shortest time.
Please contact us for any further information: Foreign Language Center of Distric 1
112 Nguyễn Đình Chiểu Street, Đa Kao Ward, Distrct 1
Phone: (08) 38243864 – Hotline: 0919.277.201 (Ms.Hài)
Prepairation Course for Entrance Examination
Prepairation Courses for Entrance Examination at Foreign Language Center of District 1 are specially designed for students who:
- Group 1: Grade 9 to Grade 10;
- Group 2: Grade 11 to Grade 12 and students who have graduated from high school and wish to take A1 or D test on University Entrance Exam;
- Group 3: Expedited Prepairation in 6 or 3 months;
All 3 groups will get the best, most effective roadmap and learning methodology based on their English ability and time remaining to the exam. All the necessary knowledge will be systematized and reviewed in scientific ways to remember easily. Methods of teaching and learning are exremely special to ease the stress and to enhance the students to learn better.
Group 1 and Group 2 will have more time to study and do practice testes, therefor the knowledge will be organized better with time to repeat the old knowledge. Group 3 will have their special curriculum designed by Center focusing entirely on Academic knowledge for the exam.
Foreign Languager Center of District 1 always firmly grasps the structure of the exam launched by Ministry of Education and Training and updates changes in examination content, from which we have the best teaching and learning methods for learners. All the examination content will be summed up by intensive topics for students to understand academic details as well as best methods to remember and strategies to do the exam.
Especially, the teachers at Foreign Language Center of Distric 1 are always selected extremely carefully to bring the absolute confidence to the students when entering a tough, challenge exam.
Course’s Detail:
- Schedule: 2 sessions/ day. Learners will get 1 FREE TRIAL session;
- Starting date: Continuously and regularly openned;
- Tuition: Extremely incentive;
- Number of learners in 1 class: 10 – 15 participants.
Please contact us for any further information: Foreign Language Center of Distric 1
112 Nguyễn Đình Chiểu Street, Đa Kao Ward, Distrct 1
Phone: (08) 38243864 – Hotline: 0919.277.201 (Ms.Hài)
English for Specific working Purposes
Learners who are about to graduate or working in foreign companies wish to promote effective international communication in English that is prerequisite; therefore, the courses on mail, email, and business contract writing is indispensable.
The course is designed for students who want to learn English so as to fluently communicate with business partners or business customers, particularly the skill of writing business letters, reports, email, legal documents and contracts, which complies with the format of international trade.
The sample text based curriculum having been approved by the organizations, major international companies is regarded as standard. The experience of teachers in our school is a key element that obviously differs from other training centers.
Also, due to staff training needs of the majority of companies, organizations, the Language Center of District 1 receives short and long term contracts in companies, agencies and organizations to save on traveling expenses for employees.
Please contact us for any further information: Foreign Language Center of Distric 1
112 Nguyễn Đình Chiểu Street, Đa Kao Ward, Distrct 1
Phone: (08) 38243864 – Hotline: 0919.277.201 (Ms.Hài)
English Grammar Courses
English Grammar Course
This English Grammar Course is designed for students who desire to improve their knowledge about English Grammar to get higher scoresand better results in exams at school, and for those who want to improve Writing skill. Students will learn and praactise how to use English structures.
On completing courses in English Grammar, students will not only impove their knowledge about English, but also expand their vocabulary sources relating to different topics.
Topics in the course:
- English Structures;
- Elements of language: nouns, verbs and verb tenses, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions;
- Tenses, Relative Clause, Conditional Sentence, Passive Voice, Indirect Speech, Tag Question
Course’s Structure:
The course consists of 24 sessions, each session is a different topic in English grammar.
Tuition & Learning time:
- Tuition: 200.000VND/ course
- Learning time: 24 sessions
Please contact us for any further information: Foreign Language Center of Distric 1
112 Nguyễn Đình Chiểu Street, Đa Kao Ward, Distrct 1
Phone: (08) 38243864 – Hotline: 0919.277.201 (Ms.Hài)